Thursday, May 18, 2006

Utah again

So I made it to Utah after about 14 hours on the road. Leaving Dave behind this morning was on of the hardest things I’ve had to do. I’m still surprised I was able to get in the car and drive away from him. It didn’t really hit me that I was really leaving until Pendelton. And from there to Bosie I was a wreck. After Bosie I just hit the point where it would be a longer distance to turn around so I had to keep on going. So I got here and the werid thing is that I’m in Dave’s old apartment though not his room. I’m living with Magic Matt and Cassie which rocks even though we’re in the basement. I have a tv and internet. I would have loved to live Christina and Maggie again but this should be a good living arragment though the apartment needs some work, like towel rack’s in my bathroom so I’ll let Gary ( the guy in charge of this ) know about it tomorrow. Its just werid to be here without Dave. I hope that I get to see him before August. Yeah I’ll post pics of my drive tomorrow. Talk to y’all then. And Matt I’m gonna try my luck with one of the mountains here. However I want to see your pictures of Mt. Hood. Well, I’m gonna go sleep now.


Laura said...

Why in Utah w/o Dave? I'm confused? Email me your address there when you get a chance.

Sarah said...

I too am confused...what happened?

Nicki said...

Awww, I miss cross country drives. I can't wait to see more pictures.

Deliver me from Swedish furniture!
Deliver me from clever art!

Batmanda said...

I hear ya... I'm leaving Sean for 11 weeks. It may suck for a while, but you'll get through it - I promise. And besides, when you finally do see him again, the sex will be so good! So, so good!

Matt said...

Good luck with Utah....Climbing a Utah mountain....and everything else! :)

Greta said...

Hey, glad to hear you made it to Utah ok. I do not have your email for some reason, so email me!!-I think you have my email. I want to hear how you're doing and such, since I've been not keeping in touch with anyone... oops.