Friday, August 17, 2007


Well I finally hit my breaking point. I resigned yesterday. I belive I'll be here until Forum opens but honsetly I'd much rather leave now. I realized yesterday that staying on here was stupid, I'm miserable, not able to sleep and not able to keep food in my system when I have enough of an appitite to eat it. So I realized that I needed to do this for me. I'm not sure if I shot myself in the foot in terms of a career in theatre, but if this is the cost to me then its too high. I can't continue to hold myself together when there is no engery left. So for those of you in the Midwest I'll be home for a little bit. Hope everyone elses summers are going much better.


Sarah said...

I'm sorry things didn't work out. Although, I'm glad you made the decision to put yourself first. I know you rarely do it and I'm proud of you. If you can't function, can't function. I'm sending a little love your way. *hugs*

Laura said...

Andy told me they were working you too hard. Are you still going to Alaska after this? you should have a break at home for a while before you leave. I'm glad also glad to hear you put your foot down. Take care - and write me a letter/ email when you get home to WI!

Cathy said...

I totally agree with Sarah. I am sorry that things were so bad but I am so proud that you are taking care of yourself. Have a safe trip home!!!

Batmanda said...

Is Amanda gonna have to choke a bitch?
Seriously... I will.
No really, I understand completely what it's like to be thoroughly burnt out. Anytime you want to talk about it, call on me.

Greta said...

I'm sorry to hear things didn't work out... but glad to hear that you're taking care of yourself. Hopefully Alaska will go better!! Have a relaxing couple of weeks :)